Tuesday, May 22, 2007

No More Hair! (?)

Throughout human evolution there has been a certain trend to be considered and realized. No! I am not speaking of the increase in longevity, the apparent increase in height, or even the bipedal development. It is HAIR of which I speak. Sure, there seems to be some evolutionary reasoning behind having hair (i.e. warmth, protection from the elements, protection from abrasions, and the like). However, I have it on good authority (ahem, my wife) that perhaps the human race is heading toward hairlessness. I mean, it could have been the delirium that set in from cleaning the homestead (or the subconscious - or not so subconscious - wonderings of why I shaved my head) as to why my wife popped the theory, but it stands to reason that since the time of the caveperson (look, I'm so politically correct) up to now . . . humankind has lost hair! Does this mean that the future holds baldness for the human race? Not sure. Nevertheless, I for one intend to embrace this hairless trend (whether by intentional design or fated consequence) and happily go hairless into the night.

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